Bharat Uday Party is India’s fastest growing political party. Join as a member today and help shape the future course of politics in India.

As per the Constitution of Bharat Uday Party, any citizen of India of the age of 18 years or above who subscribes to the objectives of the Party shall be eligible to become a member of the Party, provided that he or she:

– Is not a member of any other political Party registered with the Election Commission of India;
– Is not a member of any organization whose views, policies or actions are in conflict with the objectives of the Party; and/or
– Has not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude

Party Membership Application Form

Please fill out below form to become a member of Bharat Uday Party and be a part of change.

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Empowering India's Income Tax Payers & Their Families for a Better Future

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